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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Battlecam Whores umm.. Scores..

With justintv staff sabotaging their site by making unwanted and unnecessary changes. I took the initiative like numerous long time users to check out other live cam hosting sites. One such site I recently started visiting is Alki David's Battlecam. Although I was skeptical of wasting my time over there due to the butt kissing retards. Who migrated from Jtv hoping Alki would bend his billionaire ass over and poop out free cash, trips and HD televisions. I have enjoyed the brief time spent as a viewer . However the random and rotating cast function of the site can be quite annoying. I hate losing the feed of a hot babe, intriguing story, or funny comedian like Eastcoastvegas. To watch better yet be tortured into viewing a boring or unfunny prank caller like this guy called Justin who has a mysterious way of popping up when he has a story or prank call set hmm....

1 comment:

  1. Battlecam is advertised as a site you can make a few bucks with challenges yet we rarely see them.
