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Monday, July 19, 2010

IshatOn BattleCam!

Thankfully the Battlecam 3 day contest is over the last few days has been full of rage, sex, loads of sperm dripping off tits, disappointments, and finally IshatOnU riding in on his white horse and claiming the final $1000 prize of the weekend and luckily for the last two winners he did not broadcast the previous two nights as I am positive with his 4channers, youtubers, blogtvers, ect all competition including the Sigganation machine and the Clitigator combined would have been crushed like Battlecam's servers were last night especially with the ridiculous rule of winners being eligible to compete over and over again during the weekend.

Time will tell if IshatOnU will pull a Kioken or a Dcigs who along with his followers have caused the same rotating 15 or so Og Batttlecammers from taking their meds, sleeping at night and huddling together inside fallout shelters arguing who should be giving Alki's money via interwebs.

The next contest should be for the most whiny group of individuals: Og Battlecammers vs. Siggasnation.

Battlecam's contest the last three days turned into The Tea Party vs. Obama, 2000 Florida election, Watergate, Invasion of Normandy, Twilight Zone, Doctor Who, Goodfellas, ooze shooting on to Jenna Jameson, David Icke conspiracy theories, The Hatfields vs. The McCoys and Rip Van Winkle as some believed Alki David may have slept allegedly through most of competition this weekend although my belief is he simply just stayed offline while watching to keep his hands clean from all the extra TOSable adult activities, mud slinging, and under handed tactic's taking place on the site the last few days.

The contest was a great idea but was very poorly executed as porn vs. content vs. big followings vs. charity room vs. combining users vs. cops vs. fail prank call vs conspiracies vs blind rage vs. race vs. it's not my money but he/she shouldn't win any of it because I hate them and was on Battlecam longer vs. they cheated vs. former Jtv rejects vs. current Jtv retards vs. no rules and total chaos and bullshit! I guess the site is called Battlecam for a reason but bloody

Winners in order day 1: Siggers, day 2: Mildly Amused with help, and day 3: IshatOnU

P.s Bugsy's a twat but he has entertained me the most this weekend and Ryfourn walked over water and returned bringing forth order on to Battlecam shake your head at me but those two were the only bright spots from this shitty Battlecam