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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Welcome to Blogtv BrandieRose1979 ♥♥

The only thing wrong with this gif it's missing the man who put Jtv on the map

Unban Brandierose or mask man may do something naughty on your door step!

My last Justin Tv screen cap of Brandie came on Halloween day the poor pumpkin she gutted and carved probably ended up smashed against the wall or upside her roommates head when she was TOS. For those who need a Mac

Blogtv the unofficial home for the banned Jtv

Angry Asian Speaks!

Godzilla you big meanie beware of the wraith of Bourbon Drinker and his cumglazed

Brandierose1979 Lives!!!

While shit Assman Sprintxxx goes limp waiting for her to show up on Skype in The Computer Store so her voice can cure his severe erectile dysfunction Brandierose1979 rises again on

Shockingly Brandie appears to be in good spirits after she is stalked and banned by power tripping perv Assman from Justin Tv who appears to turn a blind eye to porn, copyright, perverts, pedos, and flashing under age girls.

Blogtv is far from perfect but Brandie should do well there as Kara Hannah wears kid gloves dealing with the psychos, intoxicated, pot heads, trolls, and holds that sites version of Admins accountable unlike Justin's CEO Michael who appears to be more concern about slicing onions then his Admins being used as person hitmen by socially inept broadcasters, and chatters.

Blogtv also shares or use to some of their revenue with some of their broadcasters hopefully that is still active and Brandie passion to cast raging, drunk, and once in a blue sober is rewarded.

Funny I wrote a friend about Tedsabear and Brandie becoming friends on Blogtv then both becoming Facebook friends and playing Farmville together and was told Brandie's too old for him look who left a comment last on her

Thunder Chain Shockingly Hot!

Cinderella move over Cortneye aka Thunder_Chain wants her Prince Charming now!lol