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Friday, May 21, 2010

Why So Fookin Annoying?

Welcome to Fookin Annoying. A blog I created for personal gossip, shits and giggles.

My stories are tales from across the interwebs no one in their right mind should give a shit about. Luckily for me their are fellow daft in the head people who may get a kick out of what stories develop out of my head after a swim in the savory sauce . My inspiration's on stepping into this field of mud slinging, gossip, humor, and exposing camwhores comes from the following bloggers: , , , ,

Blame them for lighting the spark in a unemployed fat couch potato with nothing but time on his hands. It their fault clearly. Lesson of the day kiddies it's never too early passing the blame on to

Adults have fun and if you don't like what you see on here Fook you mate!

1 comment:

  1. I find myself being a fookin annoying fan, already. Or should that read: a fookin annoying fan?
    Either way, time will tell. lol
