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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Battlecam Sinking in Jizz?

Frontal nudity, wiping cum over face, and possibly fapping and shooting a load into the water bottle while broadcasting?

Umm.. Alki step in at any moment now and tame the beast you have created.

Bourbon Drinker is giving a bad name to all males who want a billionaire to buy them a hooker.

I hate to be a party pooper to the Chrometuna's of the site but someone needs to bring down the ban hammer!


  1. 'shooting a load into the water bottle while broadcasting?' yup ... TWICE =/
    Alki saved our eyesight and future undigested meals, though after a flood of protest from BCers. He told BD to stop showing his naughty bits or Alki would pull his channel. LOL
    Alki had a rule once upon a time that b/casters could do whatever they wanted in their private rooms. The rules they are a-changin'. Again. =P

  2. It would be wrong for me to criticize you for being part of the BattleCam audience. It would be as if I was creating the assumption that you are trying to do good things in life, with this assumption merely providing a pretext to denigrate you because, clearly, you're not trying to at all. It's unfair for me to wrongly accuse you of trying to be a good person simply so that I can rub in your face the fact that you're not, especially when it's obviously not true.

    However, I still feel justified in calling you pathetic. You pile other people's shit in your hand. You rub in all over your face. You push it into your hair and smear it into your eyes. You taste it, squish it with your tongue, and pieces get caught in your teeth. This is all fine with me. Your life, your rules. However, with this post you're basically complaining: "But this shit smells!" Seriously? You're going to whine about this shit smelling? Grow up. Move on. Or, shut up. This is far more sad than a typical BD rant because unlike him, you appear to have self-rationalized yourself into total denial.


    I created the Twitter account to bring Bourbon's wit, wisdom, depravity, and tomfoolery to light.
    Believe me, I couldn't make these quotes up if I tried. It's all him.

    - Malp

  4. And I for one, appreciate you for it, Malp =)
    (the "wisdom" bit was a bit of a stretch, tho)
    I'm gonna get blabby now. Brace yaselves, ya fookers. LOL V V V

  5. LOL wat @ MR?
    Who's "trying to do good things in life"? LOL Not me. Not on the Internets.
    I make silly gifs and tattle other people's mischief in my spare time. I know better than to broadcast my own shit for others to critique. But that's what Alki's site is all about. BD and others like him have failed to notice that it's called BattleCam not warm and fuzzy lets make friends cam. People get up and do battle against and make fools of each other verbally while the audience takes sides. Passe "BC Famous" crybabies hide in their own rooms, banning anyone with a shred of advice for a 30 year old b/caster with the maturity level of a 14 year old dimwit and social misfit, begging for attention (or a good solid grounding by Daddy Alki LOL).

    Pathetic, yes I am, but a teeny bit cleaner than you describe as I don't have to come in close contact with others' shit beyond a monitor, and apparently have better hygiene habits than yourself. BD not only demonstrates how shit his life is, but lives it 24/7 and appears to be contently stuck with it (by disregarding or making lame excuses for any changes he could initiate, if he really wanted to). Not only that ... but he brags about it to hundreds of strangers nearly daily for months > years. That's the beauty of the Internets. It works both ways.

    There's more =P VVV

  6. BD and others like him should have realized by now that when you put your shit out there people are gonna talk (even complain) about it. But I guess not, because BD's been at this "ranting gig" for a while ... burning through various chat sites and now BC. We know that most of the BD rants are fake by now. He gets off on the shit talk. He's no better than the "abusers". BD's just another attention cam whore. Sheesh, he can't even be genuine about being a head case. =P He's really just an all round lazy ass fail in life, off line and on. He used to be pretty good at ranting and going toe to toe with trolls, but BC has seen far superior to BD on the main channel. BD was just a curiosity (albeit a LOUD one lol) at a time when BC was going through it's 1st changes. The site needed a BD, then. But, BD is becoming non-news, now. He's trying to come up with stupid Asian tricks to entertain "his fans" but he's a disappointment to many including Alki. He has no fresh "material" to draw on now that Alki has nixed his "peepee shows".
    Four and 1/2 inches of no staying power. lol He's slipped from being as funny as fuck to being a needy punk ass bitch who's becoming mildly depressing to watch. No doubt he's noticed his audience numbers are dropping
    (particularly fans and not only from being banned from his channel lol) but there will be others like him, better or worse, right behind him and so will the pathetic audience. It's the Internets. U mad? =)

    Whoa ... these little rants ARE cathargic aren't they? Thanks for the fodder BD and carry on, Mr. Annoying.=P

    Now this page need a pretty gif. ;)
