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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Hic.. Day!

My Love muffin Vikki and Love English Muffin Susie are immortalized in another Lurkersanonmous chop as Irish eyes must be smiling upon me as I wipe something out my pants like a showdown at sun set pulling the trigger on my privates.

Nyankeesrule celebrates Paddy day by causing Mr. Macgregor to lift up his kilt and using her green shirt like a Beagle posing at a fire hydrant.

Move over the Clown Prince Of Crime as Yawnlives own Bubbles is causing a load of Holy Chronic masturbation Batman.

Bubbs with her wee bit bazookas has ensnared a Leprechaun whose search for a golden filled pot over the rainbow has lead his hands inside his wee bit trousers for Happy ST. Paddys Day.

drink safely or you might end up laying in the bed with the guy/she above.


  1. Great chops and photos for green beer day! But Fookin, I hate to tell you that while you've been diligently attending to your blog, Mac has been moving in on the Love Muffin! You better check things out over at his place! You just can't trust anybody on the webz these days!

  2. Awwww lurkers got Coop in on the chop!! LOVE YOU LA AND FOOK!
