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Monday, February 25, 2013


Adambro tries so hard into making people think he hates Homosexuals, but I think his vicious rants on gays by using homophobic slurs on where gay bashing and racism doesn't seem to break TOS are the signs of a trapped sassy booty boiler clawing its way out of Adam's backyard twat  to web a net like  spiders until that man possibly Kengar, Pain, La Nights or even Bill Pooper are entangled and knight him on top his bloody forehand with their cocks.


  1. great videos, perfect example of how delusional basement boy is and lmao @ him saying others are insecure

  2. i don't think i've ever seen a more perfect graphic for young adam =D
    i was kicked from his channel recently for commenting that his banner seemed lacking and shouldn't it read "welcome to the adam bro sho(w)?". now i'm a faggot. =P

    welcome back mr. annoying <3

  3. Adambroke stop lying to yourself it's time you came out already.

  4. A-DUMB-BLO is a confused and broken soul. I've lost count of all his alter egos. Cop,Cook,Faith healer and now DJ. He told us he works three nights a week and earns 5/600 bucks a night. BUT he still can't afford shampoo and has a bed that Frank Taylor wouldn't wipe his black feet on.

    Kengar was Adams "cyber" butt plug, but now Kengar has turned hetrosexual, a-dumb-blo is acting like a woman scorned. It's pathetic, but entertaining at the same time.
