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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mark and Scruffy's Town Hall: Pubic Execution

Just Marks and Miss Scruffy showcasing what got Bill Pooper Banned.

for the entire TownHall public erecticution video go to: 


  1. Despite being a World class chef, decorated police officer, and in demand DJ, Adam is a turdburger who looks like he should be digging out of a garbage dumpster. In fact, Bill can go join him, since he's the only living human/raccoon hybrid in existence and it's in a raccoon's nature. Mark, well...nothing much has changed with that one. Still one of the most socially awkward people I've ever come across. Still not funny. Still needs an eyebrow transplant.

  2. Bill is a creepy cunt fucking womanizing psychopath who is no better than Kengar but the mice he keeps tied around his balls fall for his shitty quasi homo Romeo act once they look into those discolored Raccoon eyes their senses take a hike off a cliff. Bills could pull the innards of his buttocks apart and still wouldn't be able to shit straight but his flock has a fetish of swallowing his load of turd.

  3. Bill will be back on Vaughn sooner than later as the very loud mouth drunk Roco is currently giving Mark blow jobs to unban the twat.

  4. Sounds like Mark's mommy wrote those notes for him to read. Can he not do anything or cast without his mommy around holding his hand?

    Stupid move by Bill making a death threat on cam.

    No videos/pics with kids as a rule guideline? Hasn't Frank Taylor gotten away with this rule more than once playing videos with kids in them with the child being the focus?

    No illegal activities? Bish snorted pills on cam her account was not banned.

    After 25 mins. of that longer video I could not listen anymore to Mark's boring voice discussing others should not be boring in their casts LOL.

  5. Sorry i was under the impression this was marks site not scruffys. i mean come on writing notes for him swearing at people not very classy, that whole town hall meeting was an embarrassment, and showed them up to be the people they actually are. They let some people get away with things and ban others for the same thing, by the looks of it she took the attitude first with whoever it was that said fuck u, so i dont blame them one bit for saying it to her she sucks at being a community manager and mark needs to man up and run this site without her.

    1. that is was Mamaboss that told her "Fuck you", only because she was talking to someone else about the issue...miss scruffdog ridiculed her and then banned her.....Mark and his cronies were very VERY unprofessional imo on in this respect and OWE Mamaboss an apology for sure. The rules state not to disrespect crew or staff.....but what about the crew or staff respecting the members....Miss scruffdog showed her TRUE COLOURS at the meeting *giggle*.....good luck Mark and miss scruffdog on getting MY respect and the respect of a few others.


  7. Mamaboss, is that skype slut, that goes after PG and Kengar. Then when she gets caught she always blames the men. I guess if the Captain can't get it up maybe PG and Kengar can.

  8. ken, shut the fuck up with your annon retarded comments. this isnt about you or how you can harrasse mamma more this is about scruffy. we know she never skyped you so back off you ass hole. go back to the pond scum where you belong and take pg with you.

  9. go tell someone who gives a shit because no one does ken, just drop this bullshit against mamma retarded and boring and you really need to get a real life. if she is a skype slut which i doubt very much she is, dont you think yous should take a good hard look at yourself skpe and vaughn perv your no better than anyone else so keep yoir retarded opinions and comments to yourself ass hole.
