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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Threats, Threat, and more Threats

La_Nights making it seems as he is smarter than the average beer drinker put his foot inside his mouth by ranting and raging on Bill_Pooper and assdumbro being let back into the Yawn Gulag after their unkindly remarks; Bill's hating Mark, Adam calling Miss Scruffy a cunt and many other comments the two fooknuts made against the pedophobia duo who run

I found Night's to be highly hypocritical as he shared his own judgements on the Yawns and their mismanagement of their site which includes the nonsense of the no kids on cam rule, how Mark has no social skills, and how he cannot wait to leave for Kobana's video casting site when its ready to launch because VL rules are ridiculous.

La_Nights ramblings from sun up to sun down seem like a video loop as he kept doing a 360 on the same subjects and topics Bill, Bill, Bill, Vaughn rules, and back to Bill, Bill, Bill again.


  1. Threat? Not sticking up for Bill as I find him a bit on the creepy side but where is the threat Bill made to him that he needs to screencap? All I see in the chat was him telling the caster he was going to die soon. And doesn't this guy LA Nights have health problems?

  2. I agree Bill_poops didn't threaten to kill La_Nights but just made a dick comment, however La did threaten to hunt down and kill Bill.

  3. I'm just awesome! (Me: LA Nights) ;)
