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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Macca's Pity Party Parade

Update to my previous post Mascot of

World renowned asskisser Macca is weeping his poor little eyes out pulling his tongue from the innards of Marks buttocks to request the code jester to create his lonely peaceful place on the interwebz by making his room password protected as the unjolly butt plug is misty eyed due to being recorded and having awful things said about him on the blogs (input SoSad).

When oh when is Vaughn's resident butt boy ever going to stop suckling on mama Vaughn's mammary glands suckling out almost every last drop of koolaid and act like a man instead of  little girl crying for sympathy from Mark, Scrubby and their flock of sheep. 

Macca doesn't need pity, sympathy nor white knights people just a very hard slap from his misses to awaken this toolish twat from gallivanting on Yawn 24/7 and grow a pair that was clearly missing on his honeymoon.

Read more on the teary eyed twat's tantrum here:


  1. Hahaha. We sure are going to hear about this on the next VLDouchebag forum. Epic pictures of this titty baby. kudos!

  2. lmaoooo macca's tongue is permanently lodged up the vaughns butts,i can't wait for this 2014 vaughn meet up to see macca weep with happiness finally meeting his beloved hero

  3. omg to funny good cartoons lmao

  4. Why do I always picture Macca in a diaper with a rattle in his hand playing in a playpen every time I hear his name?

  5. My question is who is the bigger ass kisser, Macca or Clarkeorama?
