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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Moonboots Has A Very Rocky Night

Watch live video from The Annoying Aussie on

Thanks goes out to my Extremely annoying boo boo Kelly for clipping this video.

By any chance the clip doesn't work go check it out at

p.s. Don't tell Kelly I sent you because you will get banned.lmao


  1. Don't tell Kel YOU sent me? Who the FUCK are you anyway? LOSER

  2. Really Fooking Annoying Too Tired to sign in : )June 13, 2010 at 8:31 AM

    I am a nobody cares about jtv broadcaster just like you Mama Mangina : ) So please have a great day : )

  3. The jtv broadcaster u pretend to be has lots of fans. His interesting.

  4. Really Fooking Annoying Too Tired to sign in : )June 13, 2010 at 10:51 AM

    Just take your hormone pills and relax raisinnette : ) Pretend to be a he? Just last week you said I was a she. Or are you pretending to be a he? Even though I know for a fact your a she? I am so confused : ( Oh blimey. Oh noes!!! Now you will reply back once more to state. I am pretending to be an brit. My life as a blogger is over! : ) Later Sa..oops! um I mean Anon ♥

  5. Hey, can you give a recap of what happened since JTV has perma-banned me and that makes videos inaccessible. Thanks.

  6. Really Fooking Annoying Still Too Tired to sign in : )June 14, 2010 at 2:05 AM

    After being rightfully or unjustly picked on by Mzmagicdust. Who asked Betty was she sucking her own sons cock, calling her ugly, too old, etc. Betty flew into a bit of rage. Yelling into the webcam and throwing a drink of beer into Moonboots face. After he joked about her and dust getting into boxing ring and asking Mzmagicdust. What trousers would she wear. I believe for the bout. Moon quickly ended the cast temporarily to calm her down and I beleive to protect her from becoming devoured by a den of lioness. As she blindly in rage was about to add others beside Mzmagicdust into her rant. When she yelled about his friends, people trolling dick pics etc... Maybe no more then 5 or 7min Moonboots resumed the cast and all appeared well between him and Betty. Well they gave a great impression everything was

  7. Haha. Poor Moonboots. Thanks for the update.

  8. It sounds like Mzmagicdust has some sour grapes fermenting and that Moonboots picked the right girl to spend his time with. =)

  9. No problem Jtvnews and thank you very much for the advertisement.
