Anyone who thought The_Computer_Store was the only one being screwed on jtv's social directory. By pets and other feeds that don't belong. Anthony is not alone. Sunday Brandierose held a very brief hold on top of social. However it was quickly cut short by the ferret cam.
Whom ever is in charge of rotating the casters. Used the same rotating chairs formula done through out the week. When Anthony's Broadcasting at his computer store. Putting a random animal casters in front of him. Love him or dislike him. There are numerous times he should clearly be on top of social during the week.
When he finally does get in front of the pet cams. Another broadcaster usually a female, sports, or movie feed are passed his view numbers. Which seems to drop down a bridge and allow him to move ahead of the pet cams.
These pics were all taking under no more then 7 mins. What happened to Brandie on the directory Sunday is what take place weekly when TT's casting.
On another note there is a big possibility TT has found a way to get his producer badge back. Simply by broadcasting the oil spill cam. Hey I know your like bullshit! However take a long look at the producers directory. Oil pouring out the tanker may be a upgrade to the shit shown on there.lmao
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