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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sex Sells and Ass Sends your eyes to Hell!

 Kitten5533 that bottle surely needs my bloody name on it.

 Boobiepainter some what warn and has droopy boobs but I have places her tongue can probe.lulz
 Angela maybe a skank, but she's my skank.lulz
 One day this Pocahontas will claw herself onto my Teepee hopefully she will not scalp the head I plan on pulling
  Roco this foot is for you old chum.

Insecurity is the emotion I receive from this face, I have the cure to reverse Brittbby's shy, scared, humble emotions in my.....nvm.lulz Fooking don't care if she was looking like that because her sound was fooked up leave me to my imaginations for bloody sakes!
Westsidegirl the hidden terror the ultimate troll I've heard and been warned to stay away from, however I have a hard on for naughty women and she's begging to be placed over my lap.  Sorry Acer mate but blame it on the game.  :) Inb4 Mooseknuckles cut some flesh off himself, I carrying towards my next shrimp on the Barbi.
Oh Kayla how your presents eclipse the sun, darkening our thoughts with the horrors of on cam pissing, and bottles shoved up a bloody twat.   Oh Kayla you are a living antidepressant, making me realize my life is not fooked up, as I wish to believe, you dear get my hard on.

My dearest Kelly how do I love thee, you make my farts accidental poops come out in the shapes of hearts.  My wishes of Cupid giving you a piece of my heart may of been halted by a rabid platypus, who maimed and raped him.  I still have that contagious bug with a arrow aimed at you, my lovely Annoying buggeroo. 

Until next time try to enjoy the daylight, before your head is shoved into Meta's ass!

To read something from me, sort of worth looking at hit the links:



  1. Westsidegirl needs to move her hair back a little when casting from her face. She reminds me of a mannequin trying not to move out of place too much. She also seems to stare out to space sometimes.

  2. Westsidegirl is just plain freaky. That damn hair hanging in her face - not sexy. Has anyone seen Acer? Bet he's ugly as fook, too. Supposedly, her internet lurve is going to move in with her. lololololololol

  3. westsidegirl is freaky ..

  4. <ANGELA136, i did try to post this with my name at that start, you no what i mean lol. Well i must say, I saw this and i smiled, then i giggled, this is only the 2nd time i have commented on a blog, thx for giving me a ickle giggle, i needed it.

    1. Angela don't be a stranger <3 I actually do find you amusing and adorable, although there are days wishing you were over my lap being disciplined.lulz Btw your comment made me touch myself you make men do naughty things without even trying.lulz

  5. not brittany man :( shes so innocent and really nice. talk to her. you'll see.

    Angela what the fuck is an ickle giggle? that sounds all sorts of wrong haha

    1. Britts cool I didn't say nothing bad, she's cute as fook, so I had to post the pic. Ickle giggle has me lost as well, however it's possible Angela plays runescape?lulz
